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Quality of Character

The quality of a prospect’s character is assessed during the LPG application process. Each student-athlete is evaluated individually to ensure the prospect and family exhibit the characteristics required for success.


The ability to communicate effectively is essential — the prospect and parent(s) must be willing and able to update our team on current happenings throughout the college recruiting process. This includes communication with college coaches, showcases and workouts the prospect plans to attend, and photos and videos engineered to help increase the strength of the prospect’s marketing campaign for college coaches to see.

Overall Work Ethic

A prospect’s work ethic and devotion to his / her sport must be evident. The dedication required to play sports at the collegiate level is one that takes much sacrifice, drive, and focus. Prospects must be willing to put in the time and display the work ethic required to continue to develop as athletes to take their game to the next level.

Social Media Participation

Many scholarships can be traced back to LPG social media campaigns implemented for each individual prospect. Each post is written specifically for each platform, and prospects are often ‘tagged’ in these posts. Prospects and parents must be willing to participate in the online and digital marketing of themselves via the LPG Social Media Platforms — Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, & Youtube.

Respecting the Process

The college recruiting process is exactly that — a process. Parents will need to exhibit a certain amount of patience and remember that this in an investment in their child’s future, rather than attempting and expecting overnight results. Where a prospect decides to go to college is a life-changing decision, and one that should be handled with great care. Parents agree that it may take several months, and sometimes years, to find the right college fit. However, this does not mean quick results cannot be achieved. Throughout the years, there have been many success stories of scholarships offered just a few hours after a prospect signs with LPG.

Transparency is Key

It takes honesty, transparency, and truth to effectively navigate the college recruiting process as a team. The team, in this case, consists of the prospect, the parent(s), and our team at LPG. We expect 100% honesty and we promise the same in return. Our job is to tell you what you need to hear, not just what you want to hear. 

Faith and Belief

Believing and having faith that you will sign a college scholarship is an element parents and prospects must always remember. Believing that something good will happen and working with LPG will help to cultivate the faith that you can achieve the end-result you desire.

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